Love the Hard Way

Chapter13: “Call an ambulance!” May 25, 2010

Filed under: Uncategorized — Melp718 @ 2:25 am

The next few days Hazel was despondent. She didn’t eat, she didn’t speak, she looked lost. When Colton spoke to her she would reply in a very small voice, “I’m waiting for her. She’ll be here any minute Colt..You must get ready.” It was the same thing over and over again. He couldn’t get through to her and it scared him. Anita had been sleeping over since the incident and helped him as much as she could. But Hazel was deaf to the world around her. She didn’t see her son. She didn’t hear his pleas, she couldn’t feel him when he touched her.

It was late one night, and Colton was trying to get her to eat some toast. She would eat, but not very much.  Sometimes she would snap out of her death like trance and talk animatedly about Jenny coming and seeing little Garrett again. Oh how much he had probably grown these past five years she would say to Colton.  It was one of those nights.

The TV was left on while Anita was cleaning up the kitchen, when they heard the following;

Good Evening, Im Dan Vincent. We are sorry to interrupt the scheduled show, but we have a news update about the tragedy that took place on April 13th.  The police have new findings that the engine was not properly checked before lift off. Investigative reports have shown  that dives  into the ocean searching for the ruins of flight 187 and collective data has revealed the engine shorting out. The police and FBI agents have put it together that the engine cut when the plane was air borne and plunged into ocean, taking the lives of 154 passengers. The many families of the passengers—

They had all migrated into the living room rather slowly, Anita with glassy eyes, Colton right beside her unable to feel from the numbness spreading into him. It never really hit home with his mother to fill his time, but hearing it on the TV, seeing the plane, the pictures of what was recovered from the crash…it hit him hard. Colton was suddenly caught off guard by his mother screaming, “NO!!! THEY ARE ALIVE! THEY ARE ALIVE!”

He tried to grab her arm, but Hazel had already lunged at the TV, beating at it with her hands before finally taking a nearby vase and  smashing the screen. Glass shattered and flew everywhere, Hazel didn’t feel the pain as glass tore into her hands and arms. She  kept using the now broken vase to break the already broken television screen further, all the while screaming wordlessly.

“MOM!!! MOM!” Colton screamed as he tried to grab her from behind.

“Anita! Call an ambulance!” He screamed to the girl who was trying to pry the broken vase from Hazel.

Blood dripped down Hazel’s hands and arms. There were pieces of glass in her hands and deeps cuts, Colton could not hold her arms to control her because of it.

Hazel wouldn’t stop screaming, over the cries a siren could be heard.


17 Responses to “Chapter13: “Call an ambulance!””

  1. seaweedy Says:

    The pictures of her smashing the tv are so dramatic and vivid. Excellent!

  2. Kayla Says:


    I think I would react about the same way if that was my best friend.

  3. Berry Says:

    Awww how extremely sad. Poor Hazel :O

  4. Rika701 Says:

    I feel so bad for Hazel: ( . This was such a sad chapter! Great job with the pictures! I hope some good news will come their way soon.

  5. Saquina Says:

    That’s so sad. I hope she’ll be fine! Her whole life seems to be filled with people leaving her. I hope this all will lead to a good ending and not a sad one… Good chapter though.

  6. Gique Says:

    Aw no, that’s too sad ;_; (and great editing on the pics!)


  7. antsims3 Says:

    how sad. I can’t believe ger best friend is actually gone. The screenshots are so dramatic and real. Where did you get the ambulance?

    • dustydreamer Says:

      Thanks for the comments guys! ❤

      The ambulance was a real ambulance edited on an empty road. XD I was lazy in looking for a custom content in game ambulance.

  8. zoxell Says:

    So sad to see Hazel like this! Colton is doing a great job keeping it together! I just hope Anita sticks around with all of the craziness!

  9. tipix7 Says:

    Stunning job with the photos as always!!

  10. Chichi Says:

    when are you going to update next?

  11. Chicago Says:

    you’re such a good writer!
    on the side note, sorry I missed your message on my thread, I feel so bad.

  12. sims3rocks Says:

    Ahh cliffhanger! I kinda guessed Hazel was going to snap. At the place my uncle works, they deal with people who go through depressions and snap. Too bad Samir doesn’t know his son, I really betted he wasn’t married but after 17 years most likely.
    Anita is pretty she and Colton might make adorable kids! Keep up the awesome work!

    The Cadence Legacy

    The Cadence Legacy

  13. Liddylulu Says:

    when is the nxt chapter

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